promotes a better world!

 Father and mother are two precious beings. Everyone knows their value and looks upon them with respect. The parent-child relationship is structurally complimentary. Responsibility for and compassion towards the child is a matter of religious importance as well social concern. Whether the parents are alive or deceased, present or absent, known or unknown, the child is to be provided for with optimum care.

Obviously, one of the most unfortunate sections of society are children who lose their parents or are abandoned whilst they are quite young; also, children thrown on the street to fend for themselves because parents cannot make ends meet.

At Swedru Orphanage, we provide shelter and homely atmosphere for these children. We help orphans and vulnerable children.

About Us

This project was conceived by a concerned citizen of USA, Mr.Robert Carpenter Shawn. One day, at a funeral he attended at Swedru township,He saw right in the center of the town both boys and girls in groups. Some of them were gambling with playing cards whilst others were engaged in bingo. The girls were cooking with sand.

These children were of school going age between the ages of 5 and 13.He approached then and started questioning them. Their answers, she said, were pathetic and virtually the same: "My parents are dead, My mother says she doesn't have money to send me to school, I don't know the where about of my father and so on.

In order to satisfy his curiosity,He ventured into the arena by moving from house to house so as to verify the authenticity of the information given to her by these children. It was one of her own research and study that it came to light that most of the children did not have anybody to care for them.He was struck by the extent of deprivation suffered by these children in the Swedru township. There is not much of a constituency for these homeless kids who are being marketed, or who must sell themselves to survive.

These children survive as a result of tips they receive from people whose errand they carry. The tips are most of the time in the form of food. In the evening, they are found at the vicinity of video houses and some even pass the night on pavements and places uncongenial to their health. Mr Robert thought she had seen everything, but he was shocked to learn about another disturbing problem which needs serious solution. That is the burning issue of teenage mothers who are on the increase, indeed a bane to this community and the nation and a matter of grave concern to all of us - even to the teenagers themselves.

These are found among illiterates and school dropouts. The results is high proportion of young mothers who do not know how to properly look after themselves, let alone their babies. Along the way, these inexperienced mothers, out of hardship and frustration, leave the children to struggle and.fend for themselves in the streets.

Viewed critically from this gloomy backdrop,He embarked upon this arduous task with a high ambition and hope to draw public attention to this silent destroyer of our national heritage: these needy children the teenage mothers and the neglected aged folks.

We are all in this together – and we are glad you are visiting our site..

Contact us here.


E-mail: InforswedruOphanagehome@socialworker.net


Tel: +233-302-717-410

Our Work


Education is one of the major priorities of the orphanage as this will equip the children to face the challenges of the outside world.

In view of this, if it has rigorously pursued its educational policies by making sure that the children from the organization acquire the necessary qualifications and skills before leaving the home to live independently.

Within it period of existence, the orphanage has managed through the assistance of individuals and organizations to educate two of these children to the university level. Fifteen of them have already completed vocational training and acquired skills in mechanics, spraying, cloth designing, catering, hair dressing and carpentry, after completing senior high school (S.H.S) or the junior high school (J.H.S) education.

Currently, there are four children in technical institutions undertaking course in mechanics, electrical s, draftsmanship and spraying, two in the senior high school, two in the junior high school, seven in the primary and five in the nursery.

With a financial assistance from Shell Petrol Ghana, the orphanage has expanded its accommodation facilities at its camp 2 site. This is a first class accommodation with its kitchen, toilet, dinning hall and office facilities which can shelter up to twenty-five children.

This facility has created a unique atmosphere and conducive environment for the children and their carers. It has improved the standard of living for these children who were once "homeless". Our gratitude and appreciation goes to Shell Petrol Ghana in particular Mr. Kyle David white hill, the chief executive officer (CEO), who was deeply involved to make sure the project was completed in time.

We are currently undertaking another building project at the old site, which will serve as a computer laboratory and an additional accommodation facility to cater for the increasing demand.

With financial challenges facing the organization, we will fully appreciate any assistance (materially or financially) to enable us achieve our mission of providing shelter, education, good health and a high standard of living to the deprived and less privilege in our society.

We work together to make our cause known, to reach out to other groups who share our vision.

Join Us

Whether you are a lifetime advocate or new to our cause, we invite you to join us. We welcome new ideas and value enthusiasm from members and volunteers, new and old.we will fully appreciate any assistance (materially or financially) to enable us achieve our mission of providing shelter, education, good health and a high standard of living to the deprived and less privilege in our society.

Whether you are a lifetime advocate or new to our cause, we invite you to join us. We welcome new ideas and value enthusiasm from members and volunteers, new and old.

P.O BOX TN690 TESHIE-NUNGUA ESTATE, ACCRA, GREATER ACCRA | Mob:+233-234-762-072 / Tel:+233-240-051-566

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